Membership Benefits

Though there are many benefits, the primary benefits that most families focus on are:

Others may refer to this as socialization. However, in the Christian community getting together is beyond social – it’s spiritual!

Membership in the association provides an opportunity to be part of the newsletter and email distribution. Many of the association members are also members of the Home School Legal Defense Association which looks out for homeschool interests at both the national and state government levels. Hence, through the association you can find other likeminded believers seeking to equip their children at home through Care Groups, Co-ops, Field Trips, Association events, etc.

We are blessed to offer the homeschool community a full cap and gown commencement ceremony for our graduating seniors. We consider our commencement exercises to be a service of praise to God for what He has done in our children’s lives and a service of honor to the students and their accomplishments by God’s grace. Unless you are new to the area, you must be a member before October 15th of the school year in order to participate in the spring graduation. There is a graduation fee. The fee will be reduced by $65.00 for each consecutive year a family has been a member prior to the current school year.


We would love to offer more opportunities for enrichment and fellowship but this is completely determined by the number of members willing to volunteer their time and energy to make these events happen. Please contact us at if you would like more information about how to volunteer with the HEA.